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Multiple Warehouses *beta

How to enable and use multi warehouse solution in Multiorders

Updated over a week ago

Please Note:

The current multiple warehouse solution is in it's earliest stages. Certain features may not be available during the time of testing. All future to be added features are listed bellow, if the items you are looking for are not there, please let our support staff know about them.

Important: Multiple warehouses do not support Bundles

Missing, but to be added tools and features:

  1. Stock transfer from warehouse A to warehouse B.

  2. Deleting created warehouses.

  3. Column settings to turn on/off each warehouse in the main Inventory table.

How to add more warehouses:

Additional warehouses can be enabled from the Settings->Shipping menu.

Bellow your current warehouse settings you will find a button "Add A Warehouse"

Please note: New warehouses cannot be easily deleted at this time.

Immediate changes after your add a second warehouse:

Once the new warehouse is created and all relevant information is filled in, two important changes will happen:

First: You will no longer be able to change your total stock from the main inventory table.

In the past you would be able to simply click on the number and change the value, but now clicking on the number will take you inside the product so that you could choose which warehouse stock to change. This is because the warehouse total shown here is the combined stock from all available warehouses.

The current version shows the stock separate for each warehouse, but it is not possible to edit them individually from the Inventory page.

Please note: it will again be possible to change stocks from the main table.


You will now see a new warehouse section inside your inner product page. Much like with the main inventory table you cannot adjust the product total like before, but must change the Total for each warehouse individually.

At the moment the total stock quantity sent to your sales channel is the combination of all available stock across all available warehouses.

Sales Channel Warehouse Settings:

After the additional warehouses have been added, go to your Settings -> Integration area. If you already added your sales channel integrations you can press edit on the existing one.

In there you will find two important settings. The "Order Warehouse" dropdown selects to which warehouse your imported orders will be assigned to.

By default we combine the stock from all warehouses into one total and send that to the sales channel, but if this is not the desired result, you can enable the "Individual Warehouse Stock" option and then we will send only the total available stock from your "Order Warehouse".

Shipping and Multiple Warehouse Settings:

With multiple warehouses enabled, there are a couple of additional settings appear when shipping.

In the notes above we wrote about assigning warehouses to individual items to choose which warehouse should have their stocks deducted. These settings transfer over when you need to ship said order.

By default your warehouse settings carry over in shipping so that the item would be fulfilled from he same warehouse where it was originally placed in.

But if for whatever reason you decide that you want the fulfilment to happen from a different warehouse. You can press on the warehouse name dropdown and choose a different one.

Once the change is made and you ship the order it will deduct stocks from the chosen warehouse and not the one to which it was originally assigned to.


This is a new feature that is still in beta, if anything seems out of place or some glaring features are missing that weren't covered in the list at the start, please get in touch with us over the live chat or email.

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