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Configurable Products

Learn how to create and manage product variations

Updated over a week ago

What is a configurable product?

A configurable product is a single product that has multiple options. Let's say we have a pencil - a single product but it comes in different colors.
Each product option is actually a separate simple product that needs to have a unique SKU to make it possible to track inventory for each product variation.

How to navigate configurable products in Multiorders

If you are selling configurable products, after connecting your store to Multiorders they will be downloaded to your Inventory.
There are two ways you can view your configurable products:

  1. If you want to view just the main product, go to Inventory and click on the Configurable tab.

    You can now see only the item "Pencil" without its variations. To view the variations, you have to go inside the product by clicking on its title:

    We are now inside the product "Pencil" where we can see its variations.

    From here you can change the price and stock quantity for each product variation conveniently in a single place.
    If you need to check more details about a particular product variation, simply click on its title to go inside:

    We are now in one of the product "Pencil" variations "Pencil (Color - White, Material - Plastic) where we can see more details of this product like Bin Location, Weight, Buy Price and others that were not visible before.

  2. If you want to get a more detailed view of all product variations, you can view them as separate products by going to Inventory and clicking on the Simple tab.

    We can now see all the variations of our previously viewed product "Pencil" listed as separate products.

    From here you can edit the pricing in the column Total, see for which variations you have orders placed which are pending to be shipped (In-Order tab), and many more details.

How to change stock quantity and price for a configurable product

  1. Go to Inventory, click on the Configurable tab and open a product by clicking on its title or green Open button:

  2. Once the product opens you can see all the variations that are part of this Configurable product:

  3. Here you can change variation prices and quantity individually by editing the fields. If you want to change the values in bulk, select multiple variations by check-marking them and click on Bulk Actions:

  4. Select if you want to change quantity or price. Let's select Price in this case:

  5. Enter the desired value and click on Change Price:

That's it - the price for both selected items has been set.

How to create a configurable product for selling offline

If you have products like packaging or raw materials for custom-made items that you are not selling online but you still want to keep track of their stock in Multiorders, you can create them as Simple Products.

If your offline products have variations like different colors, sizes, or materials, you can create them as Configurable products.

  1. Go to Inventory, then switch to the Configurable tab and click on the Create Product button:

  2. A pop-up will open where you have to fill in the details for Configurable Product creation.

    NOTE: The maximum amount of different variation types for a Configurable product is 3.

This is how a fully filled-out Configurable Product creation window looks (the only thing we skipped for this tutorial is adding images for all of the variations).

Going top-to-bottom:

The Product Info fields for Product Name, Product Description, Brand, Category, and Supplier Name will be automatically applied to all generated variations.

Other fields like Qty, Bin Location, Buy / Sell Price, and Reorder Point will be applied to all variations during creation but can be changed before creating the product.

The Product Variations field allows you to choose how many different types of variables your product has, like Size or Colour. Each type can have an unlimited amount of values. (The maximum amount of different variable types is 3)

With every Variation type field added, a combination of those variables is created below.

A lot of the fields are pre-filled from the Product Info area but can be changed before saving (Variation SKU must be different from all other products available inside Multiorders inventory)

Once you're done filling in the information, just press Save Product.

Multiorders will now re-load and display your newly created configurable items in the inventory. Because we are in the Configurable product tab, Multiorders shows only one item:

To view all the variations, you have to go inside the Configurable item by clicking on the product title or you can switch to Simple tab - each variation is created as a separate simple product:

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