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Listing Products to Etsy

A step-by-step guide about product listing to Etsy

Updated over a week ago

1 - Select products

Product Catalog is the first place where you start listing your Wix products on Etsy. As mentioned before, the Product Catalog is categorized under two tabs: Linked and Unlinked. Your Wix products will be always shown under the Linked tab.


  • Only Wix products can be listed on Etsy.

Select the products you want to list and press the “List Products” button:

A new window will pop up, allowing you to select where you want a product to be listed:

Then, you will be forwarded to the unpublished products page of Etsy. This is a spreadsheet view of draft listings that are created within our app itself:

2 - Start setting up your products

The next step is to get your draft listings ready to be published on Etsy. This can be done by setting your product up. These are the available fields:

  • Description

  • SKU

  • Master Quantity

  • Quantity Rules

  • Etsy Quantity

  • Master Price

  • Price Rules

  • Etsy Price

  • Core Details

  • Category*

  • Tags

  • Materials

  • Delivery Options*

  • Returns and Exchanges*

  • Personalization

  • Renewal Options


  • Scroll horizontally to access all the fields.

  • Category*, Delivery Options*, and Returns and Exchanges* fields are mandatory. Without filling these fields up you won't be able to publish the listing on Etsy.

  • Tags, Materials, and Renewal Options fields are recommended but not mandatory.

  • SKU, Master Quantity, and Master Price fields can't be changed within our app. If you wish to adjust them, please do so within the Wix inventory page. Please note, that this must be done before the listing process.

3 - Publishing your products

To finish listing, fill in all the required information about the product, select it, and click the “Push Product” button:

This will immediately create a listing on Etsy. If any errors occur, you will find them next to the Push Products button:

4 - Editing published products

You can always get back to your listed products and edit them within our app. Once the products are successfully listed, you will find them under the Published page of your Etsy integration where you can edit them exactly like in the product setup step.

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