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Shipping label formats

Learn about different label formats and how to make one as your default

Updated over a week ago
  1. Go into Settings- Shipping

  2. Scroll down to Label Format. You will find 3 types of shipping labels:

    • Integrated standard carrier shipping labels: these are actual shipping labels generated by the carriers and you can choose them to be incorporated in a different layout for printing - together with a packing slip, picking list or invoice or have them in 4x6, 4x4, S7, S16 or S17 formats.

      If you choose to use the Original label template, the system will use the format generated by your shipping carrier without modifying the layout.

    • The Royal Mail PPI labels have the smallest label formats that can be used for any carrier shipment. The service names and stamp logos must be added manually - learn how to do it here.

    • Text-only labels are simple text labels with order addresses, used by the ones who have their own local carrier that cannot be integrated with Multiorders.

  3. Click on the preferred label format and you'll have to confirm the popup to agree that this will be your default shipping label from now on

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