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Simple Products

Learn what is a simple product and how to create it

Updated over a week ago

What is a simple product?

Differently from Configurable Products, Simple products are single products that don't have variations.

After connecting your store to Multiorders they will be downloaded to your Inventory and you can find them under the Simple tab:

How to create a Simple product manually?

If you have products like packaging or raw materials for custom-made items that you are not selling online but you still want to keep track of their stock in Multiorders, you can create them as Simple Products.

If your offline products have variations like size, color, or material, follow the article How to Create Configurable Products.

  1. Go to Inventory and click on the Create Product button:

  2. A pop-up will appear where you have to fill in the details for Simple Product creation.

    The first section is Product Info which contains your general product information like name and description.

    NOTE: product name and description cannot be edited after creation.

The Product Details section contains all of the important inventory fields.

NOTE: The Product Image and Product SKU cannot be changed after the product is created (product SKU must be unique).

Once all details are filled in, click on the Save Product button to create a simple product.

If you are planning to create more simple products, mark the checkbox next to Create Another before saving the product so that the product creation window would appear again automatically after the product is created:

Multiorders will now re-load and show your newly created simple product on the inventory page:

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