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How to connect Amazon store to Multiorders

Integrate Amazon to Multiorders with this step by step guide

Updated over 2 years ago

Before you integrate!

It is extremely easy to connect Amazon to Multiorders and will only take a couple of clicks, but we want to introduce you to all of our Amazon integration's available features and limitations first. We believe it is critical for you to understand how everything works before you connect your store.

Table of Contents:

About Amazon Integrations.

Due to the way Amazon works, each country needs to be added as a separate integration. For example if you are selling in the north American region, you will need to connect Amazon US, Amazon CA and Amazon MX integrations one by one.

Don't worry about having duplicate products. Once the integrations are connected you will be able to automatically map all of your stores identical products in just a few clicks by following this guide later.

The import speed for all Amazon integration is as follows:

  • Order import: every 10 minutes

  • MFN product import: every 45 minutes

  • FBA product import: every 10 minutes

  • MCF shipment update check: every 6h

Amazon limitations.

There are certain limits to the Amazon integration that we cannot overcome from our end and is simply limited by the Amazons own rules and API.

Update speed:

All of our sales channels receive updates from Multiorders almost instantly, but because Amazon works on a bulk update basis, order shipments, stock as well as price changes can take up to 10 minutes to be sent out to Amazon. Furthermore as quantity and price updates are performed separately, you may notice that even if you update them both at the same time on Multiorders, they might still have a delay of a couple of minutes between them, this is normal.

MCF Shipment sync:

Amazons API has very strict limitations on how often we can request and send out data. To prevent us from reaching these limits and disrupting your daily activities the checks to get Carrier and Tracking info for orders fulfilled via MCF happen every 6h. We are hopping that in future updates this can go down to 3h, but for now, do not panic if you see your order shipped in your seller central but not yet updated on Multiorders.

Amazon Australia Customer information:

If you connect Amazon AU you may notice that your orders are missing some information. This information is called PII (Personal Identifiable Information). To get this data we need special approval from Amazon. We have this for our North American and European accounts. Unfortunately this process can take some time and for now this permission has not yet been granted by Amazons far east region department to which Australia is assigned to.

Multiorders limitations.

Certain things may work differently in Multiorders than you may expect. We are, however, constantly updating and improving our software, and these limitations may be addressed in future updates.

Updating Quantity:

Stock can only be updated for the product via Multiorders, and any stock changes made on the sales channel will not be imported back and will eventually be overwritten by Multiorders. The only exception to this is the FBA stock, because Multiorders cannot update this stock, it is instead imported into Multiorders every 10 minutes.

Updating price:

Price can be updated on the sales channel, but it can take up to 45 minutes to import updated product information back into Multiorders.

Deleting products:

Deleted products on the sales channel do not automatically delete in Multiorders, and you will need to remove them manually. Products deleted in Multiorders will not affect the sales channel, and if they are still available, they will be re-imported during the next sync.

Canceling orders:

Orders Canceled on Multiorders do not cancel on the sales channel. If the orders were New, they are moved to the Canceled status, and the order item quantity is restocked. If the order were shipped, they are moved to the Canceled status, but no quantity is restocked. The actual cancellation process needs to be done via the sales channel, and if the order is canceled on the sales channel, it will also update to a canceled status on Multiorders.

Updating variation info:

If you plan to make any changes to your product SKUs or titles, we recommend doing so before connecting your integration to Multiorders.

Available Amazon Countries


  • UK

  • Germany

  • Spain

  • France

  • Italy

  • Netherlands

  • Poland

  • Sweden

  • USA

  • Canada

  • Mexico

  • Australia


  • United Arab Emirates

  • Egypt

  • India

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Turkey

  • Belgium

  • Brazil

  • Singapore

  • Japan

We will eventually support all regions.

How to connect your Amazon integration?

  1. Once you are in the integrations page on Multiorders, press on your desired Amazon integration country.

  2. A pop up will appear with a list of important options for your integration. We will go though each option steps by step.

  3. First you will need to choose what type of orders to import. You can choose to import both FBA and MFN orders and product types, or only one of them.
    Please be aware: The FBA orders are also counted towards your subscription limit, although this is a at lower 0.5 rate.

  4. Next you can choose how much historical order data to import once your integration is connected. Due to limits imposed by Amazon and certain regulations we can only import up to 30 days of historical order data.

  5. Then you will choose what type of Inventory to import. Just as with the orders you can choose between FBA, MFN or None in this case, but to fully utilise Multiorders features, we recommend that you import all inventory data.
    Please be aware: If you choose to manage inventory, you must only manage your stock through Multiorders. Stock changes made on the sales channel will not sync in and will be overwritten. The only exception to this is the FBA stock, which we cannot control and is always updated by Amazon every 10 minutes.

  6. Next you can choose to give a unique Alias to your integration. This is especially important if you plan on connecting multiple Amazon stores from the same region. This integration name can also be used as a company name on documents generated through Multiorders.

  7. The final Critical setting that you must choose is the default product handling time. This value tells your customers how long it takes to prepare the order on top of the shipping time. By default Amazon sets this value as 1d. If you have a custom value you will need to enter it here.

    It works this way due to a limitation on Amazons API. Once all of the products are imported you will then be able to set individual Handling Time values for your products in bulk via .csv, if necessary.

  8. The final Optional setting is the IOSS number pre-fill. When shipping to certain countries you may need to enter your IOSS number given to you by your marketplace (it is possible to have your own as well) for tax purposes. You can read more about it here.

  9. Once everything is filled in and selected press on Connect.

  10. Clicking it will take you to your Amazon account, where you may first see the option to select your region and store. This appears only for Amazon accounts linked internally, if you have nothing like this done on your Seller Central you will most likely see Step 11 straight away. Ensure you are logged into the correct Amazon account and select the right region and country when confirming your credentials. If you choose incorrectly, you may need to delete your integration and add it again.

  11. Once the region selection is complete, you will see a new Amazon Authorisation window. Please mark the checkbox below to confirm that you are granting us access to your account and press Confirm.

    This will then bring you back into Multiorders and your import will begin.

  12. Please be aware: Your integration initially may appear as "Incomplete", this typically means that Multiorders is still waiting from Amazon for the credential confirmation. Give it a few minutes, then refresh the page, it should now be "Live". However, if this does not happen, please get in touch with our support team (alternatively you could press the Retry button on the integration to recheck the credentials).

Additional Integration Settings

You can make further adjustments to your Etsy integration by clicking on one of the two icons you see at the top - centre of the integration menu.

Clicking on the the first icon allows you to upload a custom logo for your store, this can then be shown on your invoices.

Clicking on the envelope icon brings up Return address, Phone & Email pre-fill settings.

The Phone & Email settings allow you to pre-fill or overwrite telephone or email address on imported sales channel orders. You will not see it on the orders themselves, but this information will be used during shipping creation.

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