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How to connect WooCommerce store to Multiorders

Learn how to integrate Woocommerce with step by step guide

Updated over a week ago
  1. Go to Integrations and click on Woocommerce integration to open:

  2. A popup will open up where you have to select whether you want to manage orders or orders and inventory:

  3. Add a name to your integration to be displayed in Multiorders:

  4. Type in your Woocommerce store URL address:

  5. If you have Multiple Warehouses enabled before integrating Woocommerce, you will see a dropdown option to select your default warehouse to which the stock will be uploaded.

    By putting a checkmark next to the Individual Warehouse stock you can choose the stock quantity of only your default warehouse to be displayed in your sales channels instead of the total quantity of the stock from all of your warehouses:

  6. If you have an IOSS number, insert it here and click on Connect:

  7. A pop-up will appear where you have to sign in to your WooCommerce store:

  8. On another popup that will appear, click on Approve:

  9. You will now be re-directed back to Multiorders. When you go to Integrations, you will find WooCommerce store under the Connected Integrations:

In the Status field inside the added Integration window, you should now see the status Import in progress. It might take up to 15-20 minutes to import your products depending on how many of them you have in your store.

When the status changes to Live, that's it - integration has been connected successfully and products have finished importing.

WooCommerce order import time to Multiorders

Orders placed on WooCommerce will take around 10-15 minutes to appear in Multiorders.

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