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All Collections Multiorders OMS.csv Import / Export Tools.csv Templates Fields & Set-up
Full list of the available data columns for Order Import & Export Templates
Full list of the available data columns for Order Import & Export Templates

A list of order .csv data fields with descriptions explaining what is possible

Updated over a week ago

The multiorders .csv tools allow you to create orders via import, update created or imported order information and finally export orders. If you are looking to create a custom template, please follow this guide and if you want to know how to use your newly created template, please read the guide here.


Order Import Column Data

- General Order Data

These are all the fields relating to basic order content information.

Order Number:

Optional when Creating orders. Mandatory when updating, cannot be changed.

If left blank the system will generate one or you can assign your own, but it must be unique. If a duplicate order number is found the system may attempt to update that existing order or will fail and log an error in the reports area.

Please be aware: We recommend using only digits when filling in custom Order Numbers. It is possible to use letters, but you will then need to create all order numbers manually. This is because the automatic Order Number generated after that will looks something like this "Aed07d10-8d72-11ec-8959-Ed71f0e48f55" instead of following your last order. If this does happen you can fix this by creating a new order that has digits only (i.e. 1000006).

Invoice Number

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

You can assign your own number, or leave it blank and the system will generate one.

Order Created Date:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

This is used to assign a date to your imported order. The date format cannot be changed and must be YYYY/MM/DD. If no date column is provided, todays date will be used.

Item Name:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

The name of the ordered item. If the ordered item is successfully mapped, the name will be changed to the name as it is in your inventory turning into a blue clickable link, if the item does not map to anything the name will remain grey as written. Please note that you cannot add or remove order items to an existing order via .csv.

Item SKU:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

The ordered item SKU is used to map ordered items to your inventory.

SKU value is case sensitive - if you make a mistake and import an order with the wrong SKU, your order will be imported but inside it, instead of an actual product, there will be a greyed-out text item.

Item Quantity:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Used to determine how many units of this specific item are in the order.

Item Price:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Used to determine the price of a single unit of the ordered item. Decimal numbers must be separated with a dot, for example, 12.45.

Item Image:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Leave Blank. It is not possible to import product images via order CSV import but if you will do a CSV export, the image URL will appear in this field.


Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

Used in case you want to tag orders for further filtering.

Reference No:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

The reference number field allows attaching any additional information specific to that order.


Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Text added here will appear as an internal note left by the staff member inside the order. Please be aware, that every time you upload a .csv with a Note column attached it is going to keep adding additional notes instead of overwriting or updating the existing one.


Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

Text added here will appear as a customer comment inside the order. These are typically imported from the sales channel. Unlike with the Notes, the Comment text can be updated to a different value.

Order Discount:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Used to determine the total discount for the order applied before tax. Leave at 0 if no discount is used. Decimal numbers must be separated with a dot, for example, 12.45.

Order Tax:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

The total order tax. There is no individual order item tax. Decimal numbers must be separated with a dot, for example, 12.45.

Order Total:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Total order sum which must be added when importing (order total is not automatically calculated based on order item info). Decimal numbers must be separated with a dot, for example, 12.45.

Payment Status:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

One of the two values must be written here: paid or un-paid, in exact same spelling. (If you change the payment status for an integrated sales channel, this will not update that sales channel and the info will be overwritten on next sync).

Payment Method:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

You are free to write anything that's needed here.


Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

A three-letter combination for currency must be written here, for example, USD, GBP, EUR. No symbols or full names.

Ship By Date:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

You can set the desired Ship By Date for the created order. The date format cannot be changed and must be YYYY/MM/DD. Please be aware, if a marketplace order naturally imports with this information, the update will only work temporarily until next sync, where the marketplace will overwrite the information again.

Deliver By Date:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

You can set the desired Deliver By Date for the created order. The date format cannot be changed and must be YYYY/MM/DD.

- Shipping Information

These fields specifically relate to information that is critical to shipping your orders.

Shipping Date:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed only when order status is being changed from New or In-Progress to Shipped.

If Carrier and Order Status changes are made to make the order Shipped, the system will use the current date of upload and assign that as Shipping Date. Or you can choose your own date, but it must only be used when creating Shipped orders or when updating a New or In-Progress order to Shipped. The date format cannot be changed and must be YYYY/MM/DD.

Shipping Carrier:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

Assigns a carrier name for the shipped order. Must only be used when creating Shipped orders or when updating a New or In-Progress order to Shipped.

Tracking Code:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

The tracking code for the said carrier (make sure it is not a tracking link but an actual number).

Shipping Service:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, can be changed.

Used to display the shipping service chosen by the customer. Can be used when creating New, In-Progress, or Shipped orders. This field is especially important if you plan the order to be fulfilled automatically via Amazon MCF.

Shipping Charge:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Here you can add the cost of shipment.

Order Status:

Mandatory when Creating orders. Optional or Mandatory when updating depending on the update, can be changed.

Available statuses are New, Dispatched (shipped) - they should be used exactly as written here. Please remember that to create a shipped order or to update a new order to shipped all shipping-related information must be provided.

- Customer Information

This is the full list of available customer information that can be stored on an order.

Please be aware: All of the address field notes bellow say cannot be changed, but that is not entirely true. You can change them, but as soon as the marketplace syncs information it will overwrite all of that data to it's original (except Local orders). If you want to change address information, you need to do it via the sales channel, or inside the multiorders app. (Buyer Details are Billing Address Details)

Buyer Firstname:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address customer first name.

Buyer Lastname:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address customer last name.

Buyer Email:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address email. Required for carriers to send updates or contact them or used for sending invoices and notes from Multiorders to the customer.

Buyer Company:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address company name.

Buyer Phone:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address phone number. Used as a means for carriers to send updates or contact them, depending on the carrier service chosen.

Buyer Address Line1:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address, first line of address.

Buyer Address Line2: Optional.

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address, second line of address. Most carriers are fine with only knowing the first line of address, but we recommend you provide as much information as possible.

Buyer City:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address city.

Buyer State:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address state. When creating US-based addresses always use short-form state names like “TX, LA, NY”.

Buyer Country:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address country. Can use short from “US, GB” or full country names.

Buyer Postcode:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address post / ZIP code.

Buyer Country ISO:

Optional when Creating orders. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.

Billing address country ISO. A two-letter country code must be used, for example, US, GB.


The exact same set of address details, with the same set of rules are then available for the Recipient Address options (Shipping Address).

Order Export Data Fields

All of the fields that are available for Order Import are also available for Order Export and work in the same way. Thats why in this area we will only cover data fields that are unique to the Order Export.

- Order Information

Weight (g):

This is the order total weight that has been saved during order import. It is saved once during import and does not update afterwards. Please Note: It will appear under every order item, but it will still be the total of the whole order. Also, it does not recalculate during Order Merge either.

- Inventory Information

These are all the extra fields you can export via Order Export, that are being taken from the inventory. This is the main reason why they cannot be imported back.

Handling Time:

This field is used to show the assigned handling time for individual order items. The field was originally created for Amazon products handling time tracking, but it can be manually added via the Inventory page for other marketplaces as well.

Marketplace Name:

This field shows which marketplace the exported order belongs to. Please be aware that all imported orders are assigned to the local marketplace only.


This field shows the assigned category for the ordered item.


This field shows the assigned supplier for the ordered item.


This field shows the assigned brand for the ordered item.

Extra Info:

This field shows detailed variation info. Most commonly used when exporting orders for Etsy. This is because order items from those stores are typically missing key info in their product tittle.

Item Buy Price:

This exports the order items Buy Price that can be found in the inventory table.

Marketplace Credential ID

This is the marketplace integration identification number which can be found on the Integrations page under Connected sales channel integrations.

- Warehouse Information

Additional information that can be added to the order export is the Main Warehouse details. We will not go over them each individually as they are self explanatory.

  • Warehouse Contact Person

  • Warehouse Name

  • Warehouse Address 1

  • Warehouse Address 2

  • Warehouse City

  • Warehouse State

  • Warehouse Post Code

  • Warehouse Country ISO

  • Warehouse Phone

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