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How to create your custom .csv Import / Export templates

Create custom .csv .tsv export import template for orders

Updated over a week ago

This guide will focus on the creation steps of .csv templates, the examples shown will also be for orders only, this is because the template creations process for inventory is exactly the same. You can read the guide here about how to then use these template in your account.

Depending on what you want to do, Import or Export your order information you will need to create a separate template for it. This can be done using an example sheet that you can just import and map to multiorders fields, or you can create one from scratch.

In this guide we are going to cover the creation process and limitations for both Export and Import templates. Also, you can find the full list of available .csv columns and their explanations for orders here and for inventory here.


How to create a .csv Export Template

Start by clicking on the Export button in your order table

This will bring up a standard Orders Export pop-up

In there press on the Create New Template button

This will bring up another window asking you to choose whether you want to create this template by importing an existing one or by creating one manually.

Creating your template via .csv Import (go to navigation)

When you choose to use a reference .csv, you will need to upload that file first. Once thats done a new mapping screen will open for you.

Your general settings are to the left. Allowing you to name and add a description to your .csv template. This also contains the option to "Remove order items", normally each order item would go onto it's own row, but if you only need the core order info this gets in the way, enabling this options removes order item data. Please note that you will still be able to select order item columns, but they will simply export with empty data.

The columns that we found on your reference sheet will be prefilled on the right side of the screen.

From there you can rearrange the columns, remove some entirely, or simple select a different option by pressing on the dropdown.

On the left side you will find empty fields. In there you can start mapping available multiorders data to your reference template.

All of the fields you will find there will behave the same except for "Custom value". Multiorders might not have all the desired columns that you need for your template, in this situation find the "Custom value" option and select it. This will allow you to pre-fill the column with a default value in the "Enter custom value" field, then name your new column however you want.

Once you are done setting up the template, simply press save.

This will take you back to the previous window where you can continue the Import process by choosing your .csv sheet and pressing begin Import.

Creating your template manually (go to navigation)

If you choose to create the template manually you will be greeted with a similar view as with the automatic one.

Your general settings are to the left. Allowing you to name and add a description to your .csv template. This also contains the option to "Remove order items", normally each order item would go onto it's own row, but if you only need the core order info this gets in the way, enabling this options removes order item data. Please note that you will still be able to select order item columns, but they will simply export with empty data.

To the right you can start building your .csv template

The column to the left might have some data prefilled once you open the menu, simply click on the X in the corner and you will be able to click in and search for any available multiorders field

The column to the right will allow you to give custom names to the data you get from multiorders, rearrange the column order or delete it entirely.

All of the fields you will find there will behave the same except for "Custom value". Multiorders might not have all the desired columns that you need for your template, in this situation find the "Custom value" option and select it. This will allow you to pre-fill the column with a default value in the "Enter custom value" field, then name your new column however you want.

Once you have all of the required fields selected and named, press Save.

Please be aware: The system will not allow you to save the template if there are missing column names.

With the template saved you will be brought back to the previous window where you can choose what type of orders you want to export.

Important: Before you work on the Import template

Mandatory fields for Order templates (go to navigation)

If you are looking to Create Orders via .csv then the mandatory fields are:

  • Order Status

  • Payment Status

  • Order Total (does not calculate automatically based on Item Price)

  • Item Name

  • Item SKU

  • Item Quantity

  • Item Price

  • Currency

If you are looking to Update Orders via .csv then the mandatory fields are:

  • Order Number

Mandatory fields for Inventory templates (go to navigation)

If you are looking to Create Products via .csv then the mandatory fields are:

  • Product Name

  • Product SKU

If you are looking to Update Products via .csv then the mandatory fields are:

  • Product SKU

  • Multiorders Id

These are the minimum requirements, if they are not met the template will not save.

How to create a .csv Import Template (go to navigation)

Start by clicking on the Import button in your Order Table

The pop-up window will show step by step instructions on the left and to the right you will find a brief guide on how to use this tool.

Start by choosing what you want to achieve with this import. You can choose to Create local orders or Update existing orders. Please be aware: Templates for Create and Update functions require different templates.

For this example we will build a template for creating orders. Click on the Create option

Then click on the Create New Template button bellow

This will bring up a new menu asking again if you are making a template for Creation or Update purposes, depending on what you chose earlier this should already be preselected for you. You will then need to choose if you are creating a template via Import or making one from scratch.

Creating your template via .csv Import (go to navigation)

When you choose to use a reference .csv, you will need to upload that file first. Once thats done a new mapping screen will open for you.

Your general settings are to the left. Allowing you to name and add a description to your .csv template.

The columns that we found on your reference sheet will be prefilled on the right side of the screen.

From there you can rearrange the columns, remove some entirely, or simple select a different option by pressing on the dropdown.

On the left side you will find empty fields. In there you can start mapping available multiorders data to your reference template.

Once you are done setting up the template, simply press save.

This will take you back yo the previous window where you can continue the Import process by choosing your .csv sheet and pressing begin Import.

Creating your template manually (go to navigation)

If you choose to create the template manually you will be greeted with a similar view as with the automatic one.

Your general settings are to the left. Allowing you to name and add a description to your .csv template.

To the right you will find dropdowns for the available Multiorders column data and the column where you need to provide us with your personal .csv column names

To begin your mapping process just click on the "Multiorders column" column and search for required data. You may find some data already prefilled, just press on the X to clear existing info and start searching.

Once the columns you need are selected you can start giving them names on the right side column, rearraigning them if you need to or just removing them entirely.

Once you are done setting up the template, simply press save.

This will take you back yo the previous window where you can continue the Import process by choosing your .csv sheet and pressing begin Import.

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