The multiorders .csv tools allow you to create Inventory items via import, update created or imported inventory information and finally export inventory. In this guide we will be talking about all of the available columns and what they do. If you are looking to create a customer template, please follow this guide and if you want to know how to use your newly created template, please read the guide here.
Inventory Import Column Data
Product Name
Mandatory when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.
You must assign a name to your product in order to create one in the system.
Product SKU
Mandatory when Creating inventory. Mandatory when updating, cannot be changed.
You must assign a unique SKU for every created product in multiorders, if you don't inventory creation will fail. It is also important to provide the product SKU if you intent to update a product (as well as Multiorders ID which is detailed later in the guide).
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
You can assign or change suppliers for your products via .csv, but it is important that the Supplier profile be created on the system first, otherwise you will get an error.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
You can assign or change the product Category via .csv, but it is important that the Category is created on the system first, otherwise you will get an error.
Image1 through Image5
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
Provide direct links to your product images. The images do not become hosted on multiorders and we continue using the links to show the images to you within the inventory. After you create the product, updating images via .csv becomes impossible.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
A simple field to hold the numerical value of your product barcode.
Supplier SKU
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This additional SKU shows up on your Purchase Orders and is used as an additional way to search for products when creating a Purchase Order manually.
HS code
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
The Harmonization Code is required when creating international shipments.
Handling time
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This field is commonly used by Amazon. Because Amazon cannot pass this info to us via their API, the users are required to input this info manually, if they do not and we send an empty value back to Amazon, they will set it on their end to a default value of 1. This can also be used for other sales channels as a general data field.
Restock date
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
Another value used by Amazon that they cannot pass to us over the API forcing users to save this manually. If no Restock Date is set on our end and we send an empty value back, Amazon will disable the field on their end and showing the product as in-stock. This can also be used for other sales channels as a general data field.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
Additional inventory data field that can be edited at any time, except for Etsy. This integration automatically syncs in the Brand name.
Total stock
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
Total stock of your product. Products created without this column will be set to 0 automatically.
Reorder Point
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This value is used to determine the products low stock threshold based on which low stock notification can be turned on.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This field can be used to automatically calculate order weight during shipping.
Weight unit
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This can be set to one of 4 values - oz, lb, kg, g.
Buy Price
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This additional Price field shows up on your Purchase Orders to how much the product costs to you to acquire. It is also used in some reports as an indicator of your stock cost.
Retail Price
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
The sale price shown on your store. Please be aware: if you are updating a merged products price via .csv it will update that single price for ALL merged products from different channels. Most of the time this is not the desired effect because of this there is an additional checkbox that you need to mark when updating price to confirm that you really want this.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.
The currency of your product. If no column is provided it will default to your accounts currency.
Bin Location
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
A simple data field to contain your products bin location.
Country of Origin *case sensitive
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
An inventory data field that holds your "country of origin". The field information is case sensitive and needs to be correct. If you upload a .csv sheet with a country name that the system cannot recognize, it will not update.
Multiorders ID
Unavailable when Creating inventory. Mandatory when updating, cannot be changed.
This is only used during the update process. In order to update a marketplace product it is important for the system to know both the SKU and the Multiorders ID for it to work correctly.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, can be changed.
This allows to add tags on your products. Due to certain limitation you can still add only 1 tag per product.
Inventory Export Column Data
All of the fields that are available for Order Import are also available for Order Export and work in the same way. Thats why in this area we will only cover data fields that are unique to the Order Export.
This is the stock that still exists in your warehouse, but is reserved by New orders that are awaiting fulfilment. This value decreases as orders are shipped or canceled.
Shows the actual available amount of stock that you can sell and that is being shown on your sales channels. It is a result of very simple math where the "Total" minus รn-Order" is your available.
Total stock that has been ordered from your supplier and is expected to arrive at some point in time.
Marketplace ID
This is the ID of your connected marketplace, you can also see it within your integrations page.
Etsy Tags
This field is used to export a .csv containing Etsy products tags.
Missing Inventory Column Data
There are certain inventory data fields that are missing and unsupported by either .csv Imports or exports.
Allowed Min / Max
The min / max value updates are currently unavailable due to the lack of method of targeting specific product values. We do plan on enabling this in future updates.
This inventory data is updated by Amazon integration automatically and there are no manual or .csv means to update it otherwise.
Lead Time
The lead time data field is currently unavailable for Import and Export. We plan to allow editing this data at a later date.
Product Notes
The lead time data field is currently unavailable for Import and Export. There are no plans to allow editing this data via .csv.
Bellow are fields belonging to the creation of Configurable items within multiorders via .csv, these do not work at the moment and should not be used.
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.
Required when creating configurable items. Parent item does not appear in the basic inventory view and can only be seen in the Configurable products view, it is considered a container for the variations. Child items are the variations which you would find inside the simple product page view.
Parent ID
Optional when Creating inventory. Optional when updating, cannot be changed.
This is a unique identifier user for Parent products when creating configurable items.