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Assigning Orders to Staff Members
Assigning Orders to Staff Members

Learn how to assign a team member to an order

Updated over a week ago

If you want to create a rule for the incoming orders to be assigned automatically to your staff members, read the Automation article.

To assign orders manually:

  1. Go to the Orders page, find the Icons column:

  2. Find a face icon and click on it:

  3. If you just started using Multiorders you might get only your as the account owner profile in the dropdown selection:

    In this case, you need to add additional users to whom you can assign orders.

  4. Go to the Settings - Account, scroll down to the Additional User Profiles section, and click on the green Person+ icon to add another user account:

  5. A popup will appear where you have to fill in the user's First Name, Last Name, Email and to define their Role (read more about different user roles HERE) and click Save:

  6. The added user will receive an email invitation to set up their password.

  7. Go back to the Orders page, press the face icon and your created user will appear in the dropdown selection:

  8. Click on the user and that's it - the order has been assigned to him and an email notification has been sent. Once the user is assigned to an order, the face icon turns blue:

NOTE: only one user can be assigned to order at a time

You can also add or remove the team member from inside the order. Open any order and inside you will see 3 columns of information. Look at the 3rd most right one and scroll to the bottom skipping all of the customer information. At the very bottom, you will find an Assign a Team Member section with a drop-down where you can choose to assign this order to any preferred user:

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