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Overview of the Orders Page

A quick introduction to all the features waiting for you on the orders page

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will do a quick review of the Orders page and provide more in-depth guides if you want to learn more about a particular feature.

Adding and removing columns for the convenient order view

You can adjust the default order page view by adding necessary columns and removing the ones that are non-essential. Click on the Columns button:

This will open a new window allowing you to add additional columns or remove current ones. You can also reorder the columns by dragging them up and down in the window below:

Please be aware that increasing the number of visible columns means loading more data. This means potentially slower loading times.

You can also resize the columns by clicking in between them and dragging left or right. If you make adjustments that you need to reverse, simply press the Reset Width button:

Increasing the number of orders shown per page

Look at the very bottom of the order page to find the page selector and per page order settings. Simply choose the desired quantity. Please be aware that increasing the number of orders per page means loading more data. This means potentially slower loading times.

Filtering and Sorting orders

If you are looking to filter out some orders, you can do so by pressing the Filter button. Check the How To Filter Orders guide for more information.

To sort orders by date, carrier, deliver date, and other parameters, simply click on the Sort button:

Using the action bar

Above the list of your orders, you will find a grayed-out action bar - this becomes active as soon as you mark any of the order checkboxes.

Print - pressing this button will bring up a dropdown of all available documents you can print for the selected orders. The document settings can be found here & here.

Tag - this button will allow you to add tags, as well as create them. Learn more about order tags HERE.

Email - this button will allow you to choose what type of document you want to email to your customer. Read more about emailing documents HERE.

Change Status - this will allow you to manually change order status. You can read more about different order statuses and how to change them HERE.

Bulk Shipment - this allows you to ship orders in bulk. Read about the bulk shipment as well as other ways of shipping orders HERE.

Merge Selected - this button allows you to merge orders from the same customer to be shipped as one. Read more about manual and automatic order merge HERE.

Individual order actions on the Icons column

You can perform certain actions on individual orders using the Icons column:

Add note - this allows you to add notes from the main order page. Read more about adding order notes HERE.

Assign user - this allows you to assign different staff members to a specific order. Read more about it HERE.

Check shipments - you can click on the van icon to view the shipment history of an order. Read more about viewing shipment history HERE.

Importing and exporting orders via CSV spreadsheet

Multiorders supports importing, exporting, and updating orders via CSV files. You can do so by pressing either the Import or Export buttons:

Creating orders manually

Multiorders allows you to create orders manually - please read about the process HERE.

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